Welcome to the Journal
Please enjoy readings our entries on pregnancy, birthing and postpartum.

What to Pack for the Hospital When you Give Birth in New Zealand: A Hypnobirthing Perspective
Preparing for the hospital can be overwhelming, but with the right items, you can create a calming environment that supports a positive birth experience. Discover essential packing tips and hypnobirthing tools to bring comfort and serenity to your hospital stay in New Zealand.

My Birth Story - The Natural Birth
On a sunny September Sunday in 2016, my natural birth journey began unexpectedly. After a day filled with lunch, shopping, and a pedicure, I experienced surges that I initially dismissed as Braxton Hicks. However, a nap revealed my true labor had started. In a whirlwind of sensations and surprise, my husband and I raced to the hospital, where our son was born just in time. Reflecting on this incredible experience, I am grateful for Hypnobirthing, which empowered me through this transformative moment.