
Kia ora and welcome to Mama Whānau.

It is a pleasure to have you visit my website and fabulous to see that you are investing in yourself and looking into options for your birth and beyond.

My name is Jayde, and I am a certified Hypnobirthing New Zealand/Australia™ Practitioner who lives in the beautiful Christchurch city.

Through my own pregnancy and postpartum experience, I have found my calling in teaching birth education, supporting mamas in The Golden Month, and becoming a women’s health massage therapist specialising in fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum massage.

When I became pregnant, I struggled with anxiety and fear. The thought of birthing terrified me. Thankfully, I was introduced to Hypnobirthing Australia, which changed my mindset and prepared me for a birthing experience of a lifetime that was positively empowering, drug-free, and beyond all expectations.

Ko Ruapehu te Maunga
Ko Kurahaupo te Waka
Ko Whangaehu te Awa
Ko Tini Waitara te Marae
Ko Ngati Apa te Iwi 

Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au


Why Mama Whānau?

I descend from a long line of strong, resilient & nurturing women. It is in our lineage to bring babies into this world. My maternal great-grandmother was a midwife, birthed all 13 children unassisted at home, and my paternal kuia had 23 children. 

I knew this was my calling.

When a maiden becomes a mother, it is in her birth rite to feel empowered, safe, connected and happy!

Our Values

We RESPECT your values and culture

We INSPIRE you to want a calm birth

We BELIEVE you can achieve an empowered birth

We PROVIDE you education and resources

We ESTABLISH meaningful relationships

A little bit about me...

Unfortunately, after my amazing birth, it all started to go downhill. I could see the sun at the mountain’s peak, but it felt impossible to get there. I felt scared, ashamed, and not worthy of motherhood. The lack of sleep due to constant worry, breastfeeding issues, not connecting with our baby, and feeling isolated took its toll. We had not long moved to the Gold Coast and our tribe of family and friends had not been established.

I dreamt of being that mama who was in the newborn bubble where oxytocin flooded her body, and you could see the happiness shining so bright around her, but I never felt that way in the beginning. I knew this feeling all so well, and I knew I was experiencing postnatal depression, but I didn’t want to believe or acknowledge it.

The only thing that got me through those first few weeks was my supportive husband and knowing “each day will get better”. With time it did get better. I bonded with our precious son, and life went on as if he had always been in our lives.


After my healing journey, my story quickly turned into a passion because I realised how many other mamas go through a similar journey and want to be heard, feel connected and be a part of a village.

Mama Whānau has given me the blessing to provide services that help mama’s feel grounded in their pregnancy, present in their birth and supported during their postpartum, also known as The Golden Month.

If I had known what I do now, I would have sought out a postpartum doula and connected with women who offered supportive services and held my hand to the top of that mountain.

I am here to support you.

Ngā mihi,

Jayde x

Our Services